Fan Club My Dying Bride France
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Fan Club My Dying Bride France

Le fan club français de My Dying Bride
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 Process of Guilt (PT)

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Ricardo Reis
élève Doom
élève Doom
Ricardo Reis

Masculin Nombre de messages : 14
Age : 35
Localisation : Portugal
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2008

Process of Guilt (PT) Empty
MessageSujet: Process of Guilt (PT)   Process of Guilt (PT) Icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 11:57

Doom portugais! Twisted Evil

Je ne retrouve pas une bio en français parce que c'est un groupe peu connu au niveau internationnel. Vous pouvez cherchez son MySpace:

Mais je crois que vous allez aimer ce groupe et sa musique parce que My Dying Bride est d'une grande influence Very Happy par exemple, dans cette chanson:

Bio en anglais silent :
Process of Guilt started their existence as a band throughout the «Portraits of Regret» recordings in early 2002, having their foundations firmly based in doom/death metal music. In late 2003, the quartet enters the studio in order to record «Demising Grace», their 2nd release. This new work shows a new level in the development of their music, incorporating a more organic feel to their own vision, giving a stronger and more concise production to their sound. Between 2003 and 2005, the considerable list of live appearances can thus be crowned with performances alongside Morgion and Mourning Beloveth. Besides the intense live activity there was also an effort to create a new set of songs that were in line with the enduring expansion of Process of Guilt. In late December of 2005, the recordings for the full-length album «RENOUNCE» begin. The basis for the composition process behind the new songs was to build and explore themes that reflect the attitude characterizing the band's sound. Mastered at the Cutting Room Studios, in Sweden, by Thomas Eberger (who previously worked with bands like Katatonia, Opeth and Daylight Dies), «RENOUNCE» holds seven new soundscapes that reflect the band's need of expression throughout music as a form of art.
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